Thursday, April 26, 2012

photo idea 12

I think this photo is really cool. Yes, many people take pictures of landscapes, but the reflection of the sky on the water makes it very interesting and magical.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

writing assignment week 12

My photos are documentary portraits. Instead of smiling, I tried to have my model have intense facial expressions, to make the photo unique. I also took photos from different angels. At first, me and my model would keep laughing every time she did a serious face, then as we got more comfortable, we got more into the photo shoot and were able to have good expressions.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

photo idea week 11

I really like this portrait because it is very simple, yet very sofisticated. I like how everything in the photo is basically black and white, and then her lips, scarf and cheeks are red. She also has a particular seductive looking emotion

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

week 11 writing assignment

1. Street photos

I was able to get very close to some people. As time went on I didn't really care if people noticed if I was taking the picture. Sometimes I got my friends to go in front of people to pretend I was taking a photo of them.

3. Environmental Portraits

I put my friends on the beach, they enjoyed me taking photos of them. They did different facial expressions for all the pictures.

5. Focus on facial expression

It is interesting to capture someones emotion if they are not looking, but also when they see you taking the photo because they are overcome with certain emotion- some can be angry, confused or suppressed

6. After you are done

I am getting more comfortable photographing new people. It is better to get them when they are in a group so they are not paying much attention

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

photo idea week 7

photographer: Beijing Rich

I think this lighting makes her face glow and look more attractive. When I do portraits I would like to try similar lighting.

Photo Idea week 3

photographer: n/a

What parts of the picture are in focus and what is soft?

In this picture, the leaf is in focus, and the background and foreground are soft and out of focus.

The second bundle of flowers are in focus, and everything else is soft and out of focus.

Photo Idea Week 2

Helmut Newton

1. appealing
5. mysterious
6. bright
8. fierce
9. mature
10. interesting

1. back and white
2. alluring
3. fashion
4. mysterious
5.harsh lighting
6. provocative
7. interesting
8. emotions
9. lonely
10. sexy